

Bill Weintraub

The Y Chromosome and Warrior Salvation


This is from the NY Times:

Male Chromosome May Evolve Fastest


Published: January 13, 2010

A new look at the human Y chromosome has overturned longstanding ideas about its evolutionary history. Far from being in a state of decay, the Y chromosome is the fastest-changing part of the human genome and is constantly renewing itself.

This is "a result as unexpected as it is stunning -- truly amazing," said Scott Hawley, a chromosome expert at the Stowers Institute in Kansas City, Mo.

The Y chromosome makes its owner male because it carries the male-determining gene. Boys are born with one Y and one X chromosome in all their body's cells, while girls have two X's. The other 22 pairs of chromosomes in which the human genome is packaged are the same in both sexes.

The Y chromosome's rapid rate of evolutionary change does not mean that men are evolving faster than women. But its furious innovation is likely to be having reverberations elsewhere in the human genome.

The finding was reported online on Wednesday in the journal Nature by a team led by Jennifer Hughes and David Page of the Whitehead Institute in Cambridge, Mass. In 2003, Dr. Page, working with scientists at the Washington University School of Medicine, decoded the DNA sequence of the human Y chromosome. He and the same Washington University genome team have now decoded the chimpanzee Y chromosome, providing for the first time a reference against which to assess the evolutionary history of the human Y.

The chimpanzee and human lineages shared a common ancestor just six million years ago, a short slice of evolutionary time. Over all, the genomes of the two species are very similar and differ in less than 1 percent of their DNA. But the Y chromosomes differ in 30 percent of their DNA, meaning that these chromosomes are changing far faster in both species than the rest of the genome.

In the case of chimps, their mating habits are probably the source of the fierce evolutionary pressure on their Y chromosome. When a female comes into heat, she mates with all the males in the group, setting up competition within her reproductive tract between the sperm of different males.

Many genes that govern sperm production are situated on the Y chromosome, and any genetic variation that improves a chimp's chances of fatherhood will be favored and quickly spread through the population.

Sperm competition may have been important in the earliest humans, too, for some years after the chimp and human lineages split. Sperm competition could still play a role in human reproduction, some experts think, given the trickle of cases of heteropaternity, the birth of twins with different fathers.

Another reason for the intensity of selective pressures on the Y chromosome in both chimps and humans may be that natural selection sees it as a single unit, so a change in any one of its genes affects the survival of all the rest. On the other chromosomes, selection is more focused on individual genes because chunks of DNA are swapped between the members of each pair of chromosomes before the generation of eggs and sperm.

This DNA swapping process is forbidden between the X and the Y pair, keeping the male-determining gene from being transferred into the X chromosome, creating gender chaos.

But this prohibition has caused most of the genes on the Y chromosome to decay for lack of fitness. In the rest of the genome, a gene damaged by a mutation can be swapped out for the good copy on the other chromosome.

In the Y, which originally had the same set of genes as the X, most of the X-related genes have disappeared over the last 200 million years. Until now, many biologists have assumed either that the Y chromosome was headed for eventual extinction, or that its evolutionary downslide was largely over and it has sunk into stagnation.

Dr. Page's new finding is surprising because it shows that the Y chromosome has achieved an unexpected salvation. The hallmark of the Y chromosome now turns out to be renewal and reinvigoration, once the unnecessary burden of X-related genes has been shed.

"Natural selection is shaping the Y and keeping it vital to a degree that is really at odds with the idea of the last 50 years of a rotting Y chromosome," Dr. Page said. "It is now clear that the Y chromosome is by far the most rapidly evolving part of the human and chimp genomes."

This does not mean that men are evolving faster than women, given that the two belong to the same species, but it could be that the Y's rate of change drives or influences the evolution of the rest of the human genome in ways that now need to be assessed. It would be "hard to imagine that these dramatic changes in the Y don't have broader consequences," Dr. Page said.

Andrew Clark, a geneticist who works on the Y chromosome at Cornell University, said the Y's fast turnover of DNA could effect the activity of genes throughout the genome, because just such an effect has been detected in laboratory fruit flies.

The decoding of the Y chromosome's DNA was particularly difficult because the chromosome is full of palindromes -- runs of DNA that read the same backward as forward -- and repetitive sequences that confuse the decoding systems. Decoding the human Y took 13 years, and the chimp Y took eight years, Dr. Page said.

[emphases mine]

Bill Weintraub:

Interesting article.

For fifty years, we were told that the Y chromosome was decrepit, an evolutionary dead-end that was bound, sooner or later, to disappear entirely.

That notion, it now turns out, is false.

As researcher Dr David Page puts it:

Natural selection is shaping the Y and keeping it vital to a degree that is really at odds with the idea of the last 50 years of a rotting Y chromosome.


Fifty years of "a rotting Y chromosome."

Which wasn't rotting at all.

What happened fifty years ago?

Birth control.

The Pill, as it was known, was introduced in 1960 -- and you can read all about that on this PBS timeline.

And that was a huge boost not just for Women and their male partners -- but for feminism.

And as feminism became more and more ascendant, the myth of the "rotting Y chromosome" -- ascended with it.

Because that particular fable fit the feminist paradigm, in which, once again, Men and Masculinity represent an evolutionary dead-end which is bound to decay and disappear.

Women are the bright and radiant feminist future.

Men the dull and discredited masculinist past.

The parched remnant of a now-powerless patriarchy.

And that paradigm or model is, again, part of heterosexualization.

As my foriegn friend says,

The heterosexual society cares only for women. It sees men only as a problematic group that comes in the way of what is called women's rights.


Men are problematic.

They're aggressive and they're violent.

Traits which may have once been useful, but are now as dated and soon-to-be-dead as the dodo.

Male aggression leads to oppression, the oppression of minority groups and women -- and as such, there's no place for it in the brave new world which is a-dawning.

Only Women and emasculated males will have a place in that new world.

And that's why the myth of the rotting Y chromosome was so powerful and so prevalent.

The Y chromosome had to be attacked.

Because, as the article says, "The Y chromosome makes its owner male because it carries the male-determining gene."

"The Y chromosome makes its owner male."

If you can discredit that chromosome -- if you can make it appear that it's rotting and decaying and just an artifact of humanity's disreputable evolutionary past -- you can do a lot of damage to the male psyche.

And that's what was done.

The Y chromosome was presented as "stagnating."

And "rotting."

And Men and Masculinity and Manliness and Manhood -- were accused of doing the same -- at best.

Yet, it now turns out,

the Y chromosome is by far the most rapidly evolving part of the human and chimp genomes

And, says the article's author,

the Y chromosome has achieved an unexpected salvation. The hallmark of the Y chromosome now turns out to be renewal and reinvigoration, once the unnecessary burden of X-related genes has been shed.


Kind of, sort of, maybe, seems like there's a little parable there, doesn't it?

The author talks about "salvation" -- while we of The Man2Man Alliance have long maintained that

-- and the study, in effect, agrees.

For, it tells us:

The hallmark of the Y chromosome now turns out to be renewal and reinvigoration, once the unnecessary burden of X-related genes has been shed.

Let's reverse, just for the sake of clarity, the two clauses of that sentence:

Once the unnecessary burden of X-related genes has been shed, the hallmark of the Y chromosome now turns out to be renewal and reinvigoration.

The X-related genes are, of course, genes for femininity.

Once those unnecessary and burdensome feminine genes are shed, the Y-chromosome -- the Male Chromosome -- finds its salvation, expressed as renewal and reinvigoration.

Do you understand?

Freed of feminizing influences -- which are an *unnecessary* burden -- the Y chromosome flourishes.

Now -- how many times have you had some gay-identified fucked-up-the-ass femmy would-be fairy -- a shit fairy -- tell you that you need to get in touch with "your feminine side?"

In the Alliance, we've always insisted that Men don't have a feminine side.

That Men are capable of being nurturing and loving and sensitive and caring and artistic -- and great cooks too -- all on their own.

As an expression of their Masculinity.

In point of fact, the researchers now tell us, when the Male -- or his Y chromosome -- *rids himself* of his alleged feminine side -- in the form of those burdensome X-related genes -- he finds his -- SALVATION!

No kidding.

It's been less than a month since I devoted a lot of space and time -- in Two Emails: "frottage is evil" and "too much talk about Warrior" -- to talking, and not too much either, about how the Male Archetype is the WARRIOR Archetype -- and how the Way of the WARRIOR is the Way of SALVATION.

When the Male rids himself of those burdensome X-related genes -- and those burdensome X-related behaviors -- he finds his SALVATION.

He experiences, in the words of the article, "renewal and reinvigoration."


I really like that word.

The Man becomes more VIGORous.

I've characterized Phallus-Against-Phallus as a Rigorous practice.

It's also Vigorous -- Virile and Rigorous.

The Vigorous, Rigorous, practice of Cock2Cock.

As opposed to the sloppy hedonism and gender-bending of anal.

Notice that the article says that "DNA swapping ... is forbidden between the X and the Y pair, keeping the male-determining gene from being transferred into the X chromosome, creating gender chaos."

Apparently, gender chaos is not, in a state of nature, desirable.

Guess what?

It's not desirable in a state of civilization, either.

Anal: sloppy hedonism and gender chaos.

Frot: Pure, Masculine, Phallus-to-Phallus, Natural and Organic, Rigorous and Vigorous.


And the Way of the Warrior is Masculine.



It's an expression of the Man's Excellence -- his Areté -- which, as we've much discussed, is derived from ARES -- the Warrior God.

Once again:


The Way of the Warrior is Masculine.



It's an expression of the Man's Excellence -- his Areté -- which is derived from ARES -- the Warrior God.

The Way of the Warrior is not feminine.

Femininity is a burden to it.

Male and female are intended to interact for the production of children.

But that doesn't mean that the male must become Feminine or the female Masculine.

It's *burdensome* to inflict femininity on the male.

And once shed of that burden, the Male is reinvigorated and renewed.

There's a lesson here, fellas.

You need to take it to heart.

The Man's rejection of the feminine principle, far from leading to rot and decay, is for Him -- invigorating and renewing.

It's his Salvation.

Analism teaches the opposite.

And just as analism is wrong at the level of gross male anatomy -- rectum and anus -- so is analism wrong at the far more primordial level of the gene and DNA.

Far from being in a state of rot and decay, the Y chromosome is in a state of "rapid rate of evolutionary change," ... "its furious innovation likely to be having reverberations elsewhere in the human genome."

Reverberations that are actually driving human evolution.


The Male Chromosome -- the Y Chromosome -- is driving evolution.

Not the X, but the Y.

Two more things:

The author speaks of "sperm competition."

This is a concept we Frot Men are very familiar with.

Because when we cum, we cum together, and our sperm are thrust together into pools formed by our abs, our pecs, our groins themselves.

In those pools, the Phallic Battle which led to our Phallic Bond continues -- as our now co-mingled sperm thrash and crash furiously into each other.

Even as our phalluses subside, the Fight continues -- in the competition of male gamete with male gamete.

Sperm competition.

Men are competitive.

Men are Fighters.

Men are Warriors.

And so are their sperm.

And that sperm competition, says the article, may produce "heteropaternity, the birth of twins with different fathers."

This is a common theme in Greek myth.

For example, Zeus visits -- has sex with -- the Spartan Queen Leda in the form of a swan.

And through Zeus Leda conceives two semi-divine children, a boy and a girl, Polydeukes the boxer, and Helene -- Helen of Troy.

Later that night, Leda's visited by her husband, King Tyndareus, and conceives two mortal children, Kastor and Klytaimnestra.

Helen, the semi-divine girl, and her mortal sister, Klytaimnestra, don't have a close relationship.

But -- Despite having different fathers, the two boys, Kastor and Polydeukes, think of themselves as brothers and twins, and in life, are inseparable.

Indeed, their emotional bond is so tight, their mutual love so great, that when Kastor is killed, Polydeukes refuses to go to Heaven -- without him.

Eventually, Zeus allows Kastor to live on Olympos with Polydeukes.

And thus they become known as the Dioskouroi -- the Sons of God.

Kastor and Polydeukes
A Roman copy of a Greek original by Praxiteles

And they also became a constellation -- The Twins.

And thus part of the zodiac.

Just goes to show you what a little sperm competition can do.

And -- it should almost go without saying -- for guys and gals into double-dicking -- sperm competition is the name of the game.

A common double-dicking fantasy is that each guy will, when he shoots, fertilize one egg --

and that the woman will then give birth to Fightin' Warrior brothers who, like the Dioskouroi, will be inseparable.

You can't have sperm competition when the top's sperm is being shot into the bottom's rectum -- and the bottom's sperm -- IF he shoots -- is headed straight for the floor.

There's no there there.

Yet -- Fighting Spirit is the hallmark of Masculinity.

Even our Sperm -- Fight.

Those who seek to deny Man's essentially Aggressive nature -- his Fighter-hood and Warrior-hood -- seek to deny MANHOOD itself.

But to deny MANHOOD is to deny MAN.


This society is of practically no help to people, and probably especially men, in how to live a noble, and therefore, beautiful life. One does it, in this world, in spite of all, not as a result of all, the lessons that are imparted on a daily basis through the culture.

I can only believe that it's in the interest of the few, I guess, oligarchs, for most of us to live grimy little lives. It serves their purpose of controlling us. You have written about how important it is for society to isolate men, and basically disorient them through a socialization process that teaches them that manhood is suspect and probably dangerous to society. The example of Classical Greece is very dangerous to this socialization process. Classical Greece could not have been without same sex eros and love. How much more naturally did they live with no shame for their manhood or their need for manly eros and love. I want to live in a world in which men and women are understood to be of equal worth in their contribution to humanity, and no longer feel shame in expressing their need to be full human beings with same sex and opposite sex needs and attractions.


Our society seeks "to isolate men, and basically disorient them through a socialization process that teaches them that manhood is suspect and probably dangerous to society."

"manhood is suspect and probably dangerous to society."

Right down to the Y chromosome.

We were taught -- that's Frances's word -- that the Y chromosome was rotting and stagnating.

When the truth is -- that it's constantly involved in renewal and reinvigoration.


The example of Classical Greece is very dangerous to this socialization process. Classical Greece could not have been without same sex eros and love. How much more naturally did they live with no shame for their manhood or their need for manly eros and love.

"no shame for their manhood or their need for manly eros and love."

Rather, they took pride -- in both.

Aristogeiton and Harmodius
Warrior Lovers and Tyrannicides
Proudly display their Manhood and their Love


I want to live in a world in which men and women are understood to be of equal worth in their contribution to humanity, and no longer feel shame in expressing their need to be full human beings with same sex and opposite sex needs and attractions.

"a world in which men and women are understood to be of equal worth"

EQUAL worth.

Not a rotting Y chromosome being beaten down by a triumphant X chromosome --

but each playing its part, its proper part, in the story of Humanity.

Y and X -- Men and Women.

We were lied to about the Y chromosome and that lie was not an accident.

It was part of a conscious and ongoing campaign to discredit and effectively destroy one-half of the Human Race.

The Way of the Warrior is the Way of Salvation:

The Way of the Warrior is the Strife of Valour:

That's what sperm competition is -- a strife of valour.

It's built into Men, and it cannot be taken from them.

And if you're a Man, you really need to think about that.

Because there are folks who are trying very hard -- to take it from you.

Finally -- this site is about culture.

The myth of the rotting Y chromosome was a cultural myth.

Of tremendous power.

Not least because it had the backing of a science -- and not a "soft" science like sociology, but the "hard" science of biology.

And yet the science -- and the myth it engendered -- was wrong.

The myth lasted at least half-a-century.

There were people who lived and died under its power.

One of them was my late lover Brett.

Who died at the age of 37.

Did that myth play a role in his short life and tortuous death?

You bet it did.

Because by extolling the emasculation of the male, and presenting that emasculation as an inevitable evolutionary process and inescapable biological fact -- it made it far more likely that he, like HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of other gay-identified men, would be penetrated anally -- and die.

Tomorrow, another "hard" "scientific" and "genetic" myth may come along.

It may be announced that the "genetic basis" for "homosexuality" has been discovered.

Then what will you do?

I can tell you:

The vast majority of you will believe it.

And suffer under it.

And die under it.

And maybe fifty years later -- it too will be undone.

But by then it'll be too late --

for you.

Your one sweet precious life will be over.

It's because I've lived as long as I have and seen as much as I have that I'm so uncompromising in my support of Men and Masculinity.

And I'll always be.

I remind you that in 2005, when Larry Kramer dared say a few words in support of Frot, Andrew Sullivan, an admitted barebacker, accused the Alliance of being "discriminatory."

Apparently, because we support Masculinity.

The product of that decrepit Y chromosome.

But the Y chromosome isn't decrepit.

Nor did we stop supporting Masculinity.

For Masculinity is a Divine Principle.

And Manhood a Divine Gift.

And the Masculine Merging of Man with Man and Manhood with Manhood in Frot -- a Holy Sacrament.

I repeat what I said before:

The Way of the Warrior is the Way of Salvation:

The Way of the Warrior is the Strife of Valour:

That's what Sperm Competition is -- and that's what Cock2Cock is -- it pits Manhood Against Manhood in a Strife of Valour.

It's built into Men, and it cannot be taken from them without doing them enormous damage.

If you're a Man, you really need to think about that.

Because -- not only as I just said -- but as YOU just saw -- there are folks who are trying very hard -- to take it from you.


Bill Weintraub

January 15, 2010

© All material Copyright 2010 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.

Related articles:

Sex Between Men: An Activity, Not a Condition

The Right to Fight

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who reject anal penetration, promiscuity, and effeminacy
among men who have sex with men


who put forth the truth that one Man should love Another
through the exaltation of their Mutual Manhood;
and the celebration of their Mutual Masculinity.

xxxxThis aspect of our work is the one that's most disturbing and indeed frightening to our opponents:

xxxx That we combine the Love of Man with the Love of Fighting Spirit.

xxxx Which is Warrior Spirit.

xxxx The Warrior God is the Guardian of that Spirit.

xxxx You may call him Jesus Christ as Robert Loring does.

xxxx You may call him Ares as did the Greeks.

xxxx What's important is that you understand and acknowledge

xxxx the vital role He plays in Your Life.


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Gay men are one of the most ardent supporters of heterosexualisation. They represent the dust bin created by the heterosexualised society to contain the mutilated/ negativised remnants of male-male sex that survives after the intense oppression of them in the mainstream...

Gay men (when I say gay men I mean feminine identified males who like men) derive immense power from the heterosexual society. In fact they owe the heterosexual society their existence.