
we were warriors at a time when boys now are like girls



we were warriors at a time when boys now are like girls


we are warriors living in an age that does not want warriors...we are men living in a culture that infantilizes...standing strong...we are the hope of the young...who look to us to guide them...Black Elk said, "The boys of my people began very young to learn the ways of men, and no one taught us; we just learned by doing what we saw, and we were warriors at a time when boys now are like girls." (Black Elk Speaks, Bison Books, 1993, 20.)...i cannot think of a more appropriate quote for this website...

Black Elk was a Lakota medicine man...he was part of the Oglala tribe within the larger Lakota Nation...he lived at the time of the Wounded Knee Massacre and the great Lakota Warrior, Crazy is a great symbol of the warrior ethic if there ever was one...and he lived less than two hundred years ago...whether or not he was into heroic homosex...i do not know...but for the purposes of this post Crazy Horse stands as a symbol of warriors everywhere...he defied the aggressive...expansionist...imperialistic American military...and was killed only because of the betrayal by his own people...and at the hands of one of his own tribesmen...Black Elk was a youngster at the time he knew Crazy Horse...but imagine what he learned from that great warrior...Black Elk didnt simply say that boys became men by watching their older males...he said they were warriors at a time (meaning age) when boys are like girls today (meaning in the time of his old age) this not the very circumstance that we find ourselves... is well documented...learn how to behave by watching...i know this from first hand i work with children who are in need of psychological treatment...they rarely respond to spoken directions...but respond very well to my pesonal behavior...i have explained in my post The Cycle of Abuse...that many of the children that i work with are vicitms of anal rape...and many are struggling with their sexual identity...

now multiply the fifty some young boys that i work with by fifty...a hundred...a thousand...and you are talking the number of young boys who are without adequate male role models...among those thousands of boys are a significant number who are experiencing feelings about other boys and are exploring those feelings...who is there to role model for them?

"...and we were warriors at a time when boys now are like girls." how many of those young boys are learning to be effeminate because their most visible gay role models are effeminate? how many are learning that the only way for two men to be intimate is to engage in anal...and that to be gay is to be promiscuous?

"The boys of my people began very young to learn the ways of men..." the process of development begins at a very young age...the longer those boys go without strong, masculine, male role models...the more likely they will be deeply indoctrinated into the analist is harder to change the mind of an adult than it is to educate a young mind...which has no preconceived notions and prejudices...

often you hear from very visible professional atheletes that they are not role models...and most certainly do not fit the bill...although some do...the reality is every person who comes into contact with any...ANY...child is a role model...fom the moment the child sees the adult...that is why it is important for us to model the behaviors of be conscious that our very young brothers are out there looking for their elders to show them how to act..." one taught us; we just learned by doing what we saw..."...lets be those role models brothers...


Bill Weintraub

Re: we were warriors at a time when boys now are like girls

Thanks Joel.

In a previous post Joel talked about the damage done to men and masculinity by popular culture.

He talked about the emasculization of straight guys on shows like Everybody Loves Raymond, and the effeminization of gay men on shows like Will and Grace.

And Joel pointed out that even in a film like Oliver Stone's Alexander, which purports to acknowledge bisexuality, we're never allowed to see Alexander and Hephaestion, two strong men, two warriors, make love.

Rather, in the film, Alexander's visible male love interest is the effeminate Persian boy.

That's very misleading.

Alexander's relationship with the Persian boy, like his marriages, was in furtherance of his geopolitical goals.

The great love of his life, all observers agree, was Hephaestion.

Referring to those boys who are growing up in this emasculating, effeminizing culture, Joel asks,

" many of those young boys are learning to be effeminate because their most visible gay role models are effeminate? how many are learning that the only way for two men to be intimate is to engage in anal...and that to be gay is to be promiscuous?

That's right.

We can see the analist result in this email from David, a college student in Texas:

Some days I really can't stand my gay 'friends'. The other day, one of them was declaring what position he thought all of us prefered. After staring at me a little while, he pronounced me a bottom. That made me feel ill, and very depressed. I suppose I should be grateful it took him awhile to reach his conclusion though. I just wish that they didn't act like clique-ish schoolgirls, I got the most stunned and awed stares when I told them I am not really into Brittany Spears' music... I don't know how it was with you, but it seems I get scolded quite a bit for not having a pop idol to worship.

David's gay "friends" expect that because David admits to being gay, he'll be anally-passive and idolize -- that is, take as a role model -- a promiscuous woman.

A slut.

A whore.

Joel adds,

"The boys of my people began very young to learn the ways of men..." the process of development begins at a very young age...the longer those boys go without strong, masculine, male role models...the more likely they will be deeply indoctrinated into the analist is harder to change the mind of an adult than it is to educate a young mind...which has no preconceived notions and prejudices...

That too is right.

As Oscar Vallejo has observed,

I think for a lot of gay men it will be very hard to accept our message because it will always be easier to remain the same although miserable than to change in order to improve.


Because the longer you're in it, the harder it is to get out of it.

Joseph Campbell says that gods denied become demons.

I would say something similar of masculinity.

That to deny one's manhood is to do deep and often irrevocable damage to oneself.

The result among anally-passive gay men has been a literal orgy of suicidal behavior.


Yesterday I bought a nationally distributed light-science pop-culture Mexican magazine because the cover mentions an article called "The AIDS Club: first rule, get HIV"

As I imagined it's about the monstrous bug-chasing movement and it's bastard son the bareback movement. it's really explicit and detailed about bareback parties and the psychotic pseudo-metaphysics, you know, the repugnant bull shit about "creating a new life (of one virus ) with your DNA and your partner's". The article is more informative than denouncing and clearly presented to scandalize general population and make them buy the mag. but it's really sad that nobody in the gay "activists community " will do or say anything about it, we know that all their hands are tied nobody can attack these mass suicide phenomenon. It makes me cry and scream for the anger.


That "psychotic pseudo-metaphysics" can be found in numerous barebacking manifestos like this one written by a bareback pornographer.

Oscar continues:

Also the biggest gay pornstore here in my town ( which only sales illegal copies, It's Mexico) reports in its web site that a bareback movie called "Dawson's 20 load weekend" is its bestseller far from others. So here it is: the scenario we all imagined that would happen after the anti-AIDS drugs, the same that was present in 1980 is returning (I was very young at that time but I have the Randy Shilts "And the band played on" which I've read 5 > times). And I don't think that the interest in barebacking remains just being graphical for gay men, only God knows how are this videos modifying gay men perceptions about sex and disease prevention. And sadly , just as happened in 1981, nobody cares ..

Yes, that's right.

Basically, the gay male establishment believes it's more important to preserve analism and promiscuity than to save lives.

There's no escaping that conclusion.

I have an article posted about bug-chasing and analism, which no one in the gay press would publish.

But around the time I wrote it, a woman had made a documentary about bug-chasing called "The Gift," and her website cited my article.

Of course that website is no longer there -- the movie itself is long gone.

The gay male media attacked "The Gift," claiming that it demonized gay men.

It didn't.

All it did was tell the truth about a deadly and self-loathing behavior, bug-chasing.

Now we have a new and apparently far more lethal strain of HIV on the loose.

Here's the New York Times' description of its first known "victim":

The virus was found in a New York City man in his mid-40's who engaged in unprotected anal sex with other men on multiple occasions while he was using crystal methamphetamine. Health officials have long said that the drug's stimulating effect and erasure of inhibitions contributes to sex marathons that have increased the spread of H.I.V.

The man, whose name was not released to protect his privacy, is believed to have had unprotected sex with hundreds of partners, according to one person briefed on the case who insisted on anonymity because the investigation is continuing.

The "victim" is a gay man in his 40s who's been penetrated anally by hundreds of partners while doped up on meth.

He's an analist, and he's a product of analist culture.

Those of us who've dared to criticize the analist culture which produced such men have been accused of demonizing gay men and shaming gay sex.



So: the essential point that Joel and David and Oscar are making is that analism now has the tacit support of mainstream popular culture and of course of the gay establishment; and that one of the things it's doing is churning out role models for gay-identified kids and their bi brothers.

Role models which are literally toxic.

It's up to us to present a different model, not one of "men who have sex with men," but of men who truly *love* men, and whose love-making, natural, innocent, joyous, HEALTHY, and in its essence masculine, celebrates that love.


Re: we were warriors at a time when boys now are like girls


How true... and how sad! Modern society deny masculinity, satirize and destroy not only the ancient myths but also the role models of past generations: the heroic characthers of the movies from the 70s and the 80s (Conan, Rambo, Rocky and more) are now considered fascistic propaganda, muscular no-brains with no value whatsoever... and who talks about Hercules, Thor, Odin, Apollo, Gilgamesh and all the other REAL heroes of myths anymore? No, today we have top models, sport divas, Hollywood actors and worse... Even in comic books there are no longer role models: no more strong unselfish superheroes like those of the best Marvel and DC tradition, but troubled unsure "men" who thinks more about their own worries than to help others or save someone... Oliver Stone's ALEXANDER is another sad example: no male bonding between the main characther and Hephaestion, just some friendly hugs, and they looks more like the transvestite emperor of the movie STARGATE than ancient warriors! Really long hair, flowing robes, make up on faces... c'mon, is this a drag show or what!? Anyone is free to dress and act as he/she wishes, but NOT to falsify history or satirize and condemn the heroic models that helped hundreds of generations of boys to become men!

I'm now 40 and no more in need of a role model: Thanks God I had them when I was a kid and a teenager... but the young men of today? Where do they look? What do they find?

"A World without heroes is like a world without sun, you can't look up to anyone. In a world without heroes there's nothing to be, it's no place for me...". These are lyrics from the beautiful song A WORLD WITHOUT HERO (1981) by the rock group Kiss. How relevant they are today more than they were then... Is there any more hope? I don't know...

Robert Loring

Re: we were warriors at a time when boys now are like girls


Joel I agree with you completely. Roll models are extremely important and especially to young minds. Since the dawn of the human race boys have learned to become men by WATCHING other men! There is no more powerful a teacher than that of personal EXAMPLE and this IS what young minds pick up on and learn from.

Sadly, most gay role models today are feminized role models. They are males trying to be females and that brings about confusion in young minds. There are also the role models of men who hate gay males and make it very known. Such role models only serve to further the confusion of a boy who feels homosexual feelings towards other boys. The BFD indoctrinates young minds and many grow up thinking that in order to be gay you must be a fem and you must submit to anal penetration. Most never know that there is another way, the way of Frot and the way of the Warrior.

I see the feminization of boys all over our society. I believe it to be disempowering and I believe it to only add to sexual confusion that most young people experience for a time anyway. There are some elements in our society who seek to disempower males by feminizing them and that, in my opinion, is wrong. These elements teach them to be ashamed of themselves, ashamed of their natural masculinity, ashamed of their gender and aggression, and ashamed of their masculine male body hair. THAT does a number on young people and the result is some freakish neutral gender identification.

We ARE warriors living in an era that does not want warriors because warriors are seen as a threat to the movement to disempower masculine males at any age. Yet, I think all of us here understand that the warrior is a BIG part of us. We have always felt it since the day of our first memories. Warriorship is literally in our blood and psyche and it always has been. The world may be able to take the warrior out of the midst of the fellowship of warriors BUT the world will never be able to take the warrior out of the warrior!!

Bill, I find most movies and sitcoms dealing with gay men absolutely disgusting because of the stereotyping. They portray gay men as stupid whores that are brainless and whose lives only rally around sexual conquest. Hollywood does not seem to know that there are MASCULINE gay men, WARRIORS, that refuse to surrender to the BFD and who refuse to surrender their natural masculinity! They seem not to realize that there are those of us who are intelligent, who have brains and actually USE them to think with. But, alas, Hollywood is rooted in fantasy and pays little attention to the REAL world. Yet, they promote the agenda of the BFD and stand GUILTY of having led many young minds down the road to whoredom and AIDS!

Andrew you ask is there any hope today. YES there is and WE ARE that HOPE! And we will spread that hope one by one! Since I first came to this group a few years ago it has grown this group is doing something RIGHT. I have watched, I have posted, I have emailed, and I have read all the postings herein. I have come to the conclusion that no MAN, no WARRIOR, comes here by accident! We have all been led here and more are being led here with each passing day. Why? Because there are a growing number of gay men who value their manhood and masculinity. They are sick and tired of the BFD and it's ruthless demands that they surrender who and what they are in order to "fit in and be gay."

We ARE the role models for young gay minds and for oldern gay men who are or have been mislead into believing that to be gay is NOT to be a man! Here they discover that to be gay IS to be a MAN! And they learn that by the personal example and postings herein.

Sir Robert

PS--YES I am back under a new screen name. Puter was down for awhile but is now going again and the masculine fire within me is burning hotter than ever lol.

Sir Robert

Robert Loring

Re: we were warriors at a time when boys now are like girls


In thinking more in depth about this subject I'd like to point out that not only do children learn by watching but so do many adults. I've taught in colleges and seen this over and over again. There is no better way to teach than by personal example whether you are teaching children or adults. People learn more by watching than from rot.

Children and young adults today are lost. You can see it in their faces and in their eyes, the windows to their souls. They need positive role models badly! I'm not talking about the gangster or thug role models either. In my opinion those role models are negative role models and they are unhealthy role models psychologically and spiritually. Children, young adults, and for that matter ALL people today need POSTIVE ROLE MODELS.

The role model of the Warrior is a positive role model I believe. The Warrior role model teaches by example. The true Warrior is balanced mentally and spiritually. He balances strength with compassion, forgiveness with justice, and manhood with masculinity. The Warrior is a living example that there is a time and place for everything under the sun, as Ecclesiastes puts it. A time for war and a time for peace; a time to be a Warrior and a time to pursue peace with others.

The positive role model of the Warrior PROMOTES MASCULINITY! The Warrior is UN-ashamed of his manhood! In fact, he is proud of his MANHOOD and does NOT seek to hide it or glaze it over with being "politically correct." The Warrior is a Man first and foremost. A man who is strong in combat but also strong in wisdom. He can be ruthless and aggressive but he can also be extremely compassionate and gentle.

I see in our society a movement to make boys gender neutral. It's nothing new as it has been going on for awhile now. It is an attempt by society to make " girls." I see shame in young males. Shame over their masculinity. Shame over their growing up and becoming a man. Shame of their innate streak of aggressiveness. Shame over their body hair. Shame over having natural feelings for other boys.

Strip a male of his masculinity and you destroy the male psychologically, spiritually, and even physically. What does a stripped male have left? Nothing! Nothing except CONFUSION about himself! Strip a male of his natural pride in being or becoming a man and you send him down into the abyss of SELF REJECTION and SELF CONDEMNATION. In my opinion sending a male or anyone down the road of self rejection is just about the worst thing you could ever do to another human being. That road is a road walked through a literal psychospiritual HELL. For those of you who have walked that road I need not tell you how hellish that road is.

I see another trend in modern society. That is, the promotion of the BFD stereotype. You know the one, the feminized, balless male, sissified, more concerned about his flowered shirt than his masculinity. The one trying to mimic a woman even though he's a MAN. It amazes me that society which is so homophobic is actually helping to promote the gay male stereotype and children and young adults ARE learning from this stereotype! Those young adults who are gay or struggling with their sexuality are seeing this role model and saying to themselves, "Ok, I'm gay so this is the way I must act." There is NO Warrior model presented in the media unless you want to see the ruthless killer who is portrayed as a "warrior." Sorry, but ruthless killers ARE NOT Warriors America!! They are psychotics and sociopaths and in days gone by they would have been shunned by their fellow warriors because they had no honor.

As modern day Warriors on this site we each have a responsibility to BE LIVING positive role models. That is, in my opinion, one of our obligations IF we are going to call ourselves warriors and truly be HONORABLE modern warriors. We must role model a different way for those young people who are gay and help them to break out of the stereotypical sissy routine so promoted by the BFD and media today. We must teach them by our own living example that loving another man can be noble, honorable, good, healthy, and positive. We must teach them by our own living example that it is OK to love another man but NOT in the way that is supported by the BFD!

Anyone can call themselves a "warrior." But, it is those of us who live the Warrior values and morals and who are walking living examples that are the true WARRIORS today! We know our obligations and we don't shun our obligations as Warriors. We know that we must speak out against the BFD and stop them on their road of destruction and human slaughter. We don't only talk or think about being Warriors because we LIVE IT every day, every moment, one day at a time. We know others are watching us and learning from us through our own MASCULINE example.

The world NEEDS more LIVING EXAMPLES my brothers. YOU are that living example like it or not!!

Sir Robert

Bill Weintraub

Re: we were warriors at a time when boys now are like girls


Thank you Robert.

A truly excellent post.

And right in every respect.

Guys, one of the first things you need to do, if you believe in the warrior ideal we've set forth and Robert has so handsomely explicated, is donate to support the site and our work.

That's essential.

Because we cannot survive without your donations.

And donations this month have been very low.

Today I happened to read part of a commencement address by Chief Justice Margaret Marshall of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, which back in 2003 found in favor of gay marriage.

Justice Marshall wrote the decision, and, as you can imagine, she's taken a lot of heat.

Today, defending the rule of law and an independent judiciary, she said, "Each of you must decide whether to embrace, to protect the rule of law, or to repudiate it. Make no mistake, inaction and indifference are acts of repudiation."

"Inaction and indifference are acts of repudiation."

She's right.

Your failure to donate is an act of repudiation, and it betrays not just this site and our work, but your own manhood -- your self.

And the betrayal of self is without question the worst betrayal of all.

That's what I believe lies behind the promiscuity and barebacking and drug use -- and, as Robert points out, effeminacy -- in the gay male community, and I talk about that in a separate post titled "It's the anal."

Because anal betrays masculinity and for a man to betray his masculinity is for a man to betray his self.

As Robert says,

Strip a male of his masculinity and you destroy the male psychologically, spiritually, and even physically. What does a stripped male have left? Nothing! Nothing except CONFUSION about himself! Strip a male of his natural pride in being or becoming a man and you send him down into the abyss of SELF REJECTION and SELF CONDEMNATION. In my opinion sending a male or anyone down the road of self rejection is just about the worst thing you could ever do to another human being. That road is a road walked through a literal psychospiritual HELL. For those of you who have walked that road I need not tell you how hellish that road is.

That road of self rejection, of repudiation of self, is indeed a hellish road, and as I describe in "It's the anal," you can see how hellish it is when you read reports on those gay male communities which have been devastated by anal penetration and methamphetamine use.

We offer the men in those communities, and particularly young gay men, an alternative.

As Robert says

We must teach [young people who are gay] by our own living example that loving another man can be noble, honorable, good, healthy, and positive.

Noble, honorable, good, healthy -- what wonderful attributes of the love of one man for another would Robert have us convey to our fellows.

Whether we're able to reach them, however, is up to you.

It's always been up to you.

Robert is calling upon you to act as role models.

Which is right.

I know that many of you feel far from being able to do that -- at present.

But the first step in that process is to support the site.

Because supporting the site and our work will make it possible for more and more of you to openly be who you actually are.

I know that sometimes when you look at the size and strength of the forces arrayed against us -- the analist left and the religious right -- what we're attempting seems hopeless.

But I was part of the original generation of Gay Lib, and believe me, what we were attempting then seemed at least equally hopeless if not more so.

Yet we now live in a world in which openly gay people are increasingly integrated into society; in which they can, in some places, actually marry; in which gays throughout the UK and Europe serve openly in the military; and in which huge multinational corporations routinely offer nondiscrimination packages to their gay employees.

To name just a few advances.

I could not have imagined any of that in 1972.

We've come an enormous distance.

Yes, we have farther to go, but that doesn't mean we can't get there.

Look at our opposition:

Analism is based on a lie and has produced a community riddled with disease and psychological distress.

It cannot stand.

The "religious right" has grossly and grotesquely distorted the teachings of Christ and the Christian Faith in a crude and increasingly transparent attempt to seize political power.

That too cannot stand.

What we are putting forth in Heroic Homosex and The Man2Man Alliance, by contrast, are truths which are biologically rooted, grounded in reality, and both psychologically and spiritually sound.

We don't distort and we don't lie.

We don't have to.

We describe anal penetration, promiscuity, and effeminacy as they are; and in so doing show them to be social evils.

and we describe Frot, Fidelity, and Masculinity as they are; and show them to be good for both the individual and society.

For example, we demonstrate that the intense genital pleasure and power of Frot flow directly from our male biology and anatomy, making Frot an *instinctive* expression of masculinity.

Remember what Don Frazer says about that:

I want to have sex with a buddy's MALE anatomy mated to mine.

Just being anti-anal is not enough----we need to emphasize the sensory feedback loop achieved through anatomical coupling, stimulating each other's genitals naturally so both buddies feel the same sensations at the same time. THAT is sexual intimacy.

And, it's an intimacy that leads guys to full and complete UNION, without BARRIERS between them so the natural male flow from their bodies is free and openly shared, unabridged by rubbers or any artificial containment.

It is a confirmation of masculinity.

In the Alliance we celebrate male sexuality as a pure, honest and instinctive expression between buds who can be GUYS together.

"Male sexuality as a pure, honest, and instinctive expression between buds."

That's what we offer, and there's nothing more powerful than that.

Similarly, we put forward Fidelity and call it bliss because it speaks to our innate socio-biological need to BOND as men.

And, of course, we honor our intrinsic need to be Masculine -- once again, to be Men.

Against those biological realities, which are, after all, the result of divine action;

analism, which betrays creation;

and the religious right, which betrays Christ;

-- cannot stand.

You know the truth of your life.

Be confident of it.

And help us reach others with that truth.

Inaction is repudiation.

Of the Alliance, and of yourself.

Action is affirmation.

Every time you act, you'll affirm your life and affirm your manhood, and you'll grow stronger.

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