
our American forced Hetero-sexualized society


Naked Wrestler

our American forced Hetero-sexualized society


Intro from Bill Weintraub:

In Escaping the trap of heterosexualization, we looked at some of the ways heterosexualization has impacted society.

For example, we noted that under heterosexualization, there has emerged a religious right obsession with "homosexuality" which didn't exist among evangelicals in the 19th century.

And Robert Loring, in his reply to Warriors & Soldiers, noted how heterosexualization has produced attacks upon boyhood and natural male aggression.

What about sexually?

Well, I just got a letter from Naked Wrestler aka NW which elucidates the point brilliantly.

In his letter, NW -- who was a collegiate wrestler, competed in the Gay Games, and now trains in UFC-style Fight Sport -- is commenting on a review, in the "gay" press, of a book of photographs about Turkish wrestling.

The book is being marketed to a "gay male" audience, and the "gay male" reviewer interprets the photos in buttfuck terms.

Even though the photos have nothing to do with buttfuck.

Naked Wrestler:

The reviewer is sexually confused (culturally misguided is more like it). Sounds like a typical (Judeo-Christian) American who grew up in the "Gay" vs "Straight" world we are forced to deal with constantly here. I've said repeatedly (and I will continue to say) that Gay and Straight are stupid words.

These Turks who fight for dominance are MASCULINE males. Doing a NORMAL male ritual. They Fight. And they bond through Fighting. They do NOT go back to their changing rooms and decide who will "Top" or "Bottom" as is expected in our American forced Hetero-sexualized society. In other words they don't think (as American Fags do) about who will be the ManWoman and who will be the ManMan in a pairing up. Who will be the fucked and who will be the (butt) fucker. They do not have the concept of "Gay" or "Straight" in their ancient rooted culture. (It's also why they don't have raging HIV and other STD problems in their society.)

Man2Man jacking off and Frot (which is most likely what these masculine dudes practice) is NOT "Gay" and it is NOT "Straight." It is just simply MALE. THAT is the part that the femmy fags just don't get.

It's what makes the United States a sexually pathetic nation.

These Turks are REAL males. Why? Because they Fight. Because they Bond. Because they are unafraid of being considered un-masculine for fear of touching each other. They are very much like the guys I watched at the new fight school near my house last night.

The young men (experiencing a Century's Lost Ritual) spent a couple of hours grappling, practicing takedowns, submissions, kick-boxing technique, sparring, General ManFight, Sweat, shirtless body contact, aggression, and finally manhugs at the end of the session. BEAUTIFUL MALE-NESS. In 2 hours, "straightness" or "gay-ness" NEVER COMES UP. These males at the fight school (like their Turkish cousins) were practicing the ritual of ManFight. In other words, THEY WERE PRACTICING (outside the destructive confines of the feminist-controlled school system) MASCULINITY AS IT WAS INTENDED BY THEIR CREATOR.


Traditional/Hetero-sexualized fags like the guy who wrote that article, will never understand that. Because most fags will never have experienced the Fight. It's an unfortunate truth.

In fact the Turks practicing their ancient sport of Kirpinar (as it's called) have been quite agitated at the number of American Flaming Faggots going to Turkey to sit in the stands to witness their VERY masculine male ritual of ManAggression, only to use the occasion to take lots of pics. Traditionally the guys in the stands were usually men who had fought in the sport in their younger days and had "earned" the right to sit in the stands and be spectators.

These Turks are to be honored and adored for practicing Real Masculinity--as opposed to American style Faggotry.

Naked Wrestler

Bill Weintraub:

Let's take a look at what NW says, along with some pix he sent.

The reviewer is sexually confused (culturally misguided is more like it). Sounds like a typical (Judeo-Christian) American who grew up in the "Gay" vs "Straight" world we are forced to deal with constantly here. I've said repeatedly (and I will continue to say) that Gay and Straight are stupid words.


NW says the reviewer is not only "sexually confused," but "culturally misguided."

"Culturally misguided" is correct and it's a key point.

In looking at the photographs, the "gay male" reviewer is interpreting them in the only terms he knows -- terms which have been CULTURALLY imposed upon him; and which derive from the false categories of sexual orientation.

So the "gay male" reviewer says, for example, that "these are all straight heterosexual males."

No they're not.

They're just guys.


"straight heterosexual male" is a term developed by our Western heterosexualized culture, which splits Men into two discrete and completely false categories -- "heterosexual" and "homosexual," "gay" and "straight."

To the extent that their ancient culture still guides their thinking, these Men don't think in those terms.

They're just MEN.

Taking part in what is, as NW says, a "NORMAL male ritual."

There's no need to start applying the gay/straight categories to them.

Categories which would make no sense to them -- within their own culture.


These Turks who fight for dominance are MASCULINE males. Doing a NORMAL male ritual. They Fight. And they bond through Fighting.

Right again.

These are Men taking part in a normal Male ritual:

"They Fight. And they bond through Fighting."

As Men have done for millenia.

Actually, for a couple hundred thousand years.

Fighting is built-in to the Male.

Men are hard-wired to do it, to enjoy it, and to bond through it.

They do NOT go back to their changing rooms and decide who will "Top" or "Bottom" as is expected in our American forced Hetero-sexualized society. In other words they don't think (as American Fags do) about who will be the ManWoman and who will be the ManMan in a pairing up. Who will be the fucked and who will be the (butt) fucker. They do not have the concept of "Gay" or "Straight" in their ancient rooted culture. (It's also why they don't have raging HIV and other STD problems in their society.)


And this is the core point:

They do NOT go back to their changing rooms and decide who will "Top" or "Bottom" as is expected in our American forced Hetero-sexualized society.

"our American forced Hetero-sexualized society"

Under heterosexualization, which is FORCED, all aspects of society become heterosexualized.

INCLUDING sex between males.

In "our American forced Hetero-sexualized society," males having sex with males are FORCED into HETEROSEXUAL roles:

the male-female and the male-male -- one who "will be the fucked and one who will be the (butt) fucker."


They are not natural.


To repeat, and as my foreign friend points out so cogently and as we discussed in The Power of the Masculine, HETEROSEXUALIZATION and its heterosexualized sex roles are FORCED upon Men.

For example, my foreign friend cites the ancient Greek idea that Men are for pleasure and Women for procreation, and notes that in contemporary Western society, "men become [exclusive] heterosexuals only because of social pressures and conditioning. That would explain the intense pressures in the western societies to be heterosexual."

He points to the example of most mammalian species, in which heterosexual mating occurs just a few times over the animal's life, and in which most of life is passed in "homosocial" -- that is, same-sex -- groups.

That, he rightly says, is not "heterosexuality" -- not as we think of it among humans in the West:

"heterosexuality," in which a person's every moment is to be spent in the company of someone of the opposite sex;

and, in the event that a person can't be with someone of the opposite sex, he or she is at least thinking, usually obsessively, about the opposite sex.

As my foreign friend points out, that is NOT NORMAL, and requires an enormous expenditure of cultural resources to maintain:

If there is no heterosexual society there would be no homosexuals. And no heterosexuals either. Male-male sex is isolated only because in the western society, its spaces and its customs are completely heterosexualised (i.e. made mixed-gender with pressures to be heterosexual). But heterosexual spaces are themselves unnatural --- and it was only through [the unprecedented] financial and technological power brought by industrialisation that the western society could create such an artificial unnatural heterosexual environment.

So: maintaining a heterosexualized system requires force.

It requires a system of rewards and punishments which consistently, and often brutally, as we saw in a number of recent posts, steer the adolescent male away from boys and towards girls.

It requires teaching the adolescent boy to say No to a boy and Yes to a girl -- when he'd rather say Yes to the boy, and No to the girl.

That's heterosexualization -- that's how it works.

Under heterosexualization, the few remnants of male-male intimacy, love, and affection which survive are first isolated, and then ghettoized;

their subsequent expression is mutilated and negativised, the result of the male-female roles of heterosexualized society being forced upon feelings and behaviors which were meant to be exclusively and uniquely MALE.

Thus NW's formulation: "our American forced Hetero-sexualized society";

in which sex between males devolves into a ManWoman and a ManMan, one "who will be the fucked and [one] who will be the (butt) fucker."

Which in turn leads to "raging HIV and other STD problems" among those males.

So: the false categories of "gay" and "straight" are Western categories, and the result of heterosexualization.

And as such, they do not apply to Men living in an "ancient-rooted culture":

They do not have the concept of "Gay" or "Straight" in their ancient rooted culture. (It's also why they don't have raging HIV and other STD problems in their society.)


NW continues:

Man2Man jacking off and Frot (which is most likely what these masculine dudes practice) is NOT "Gay" and it is NOT "Straight." It is just simply MALE. THAT is the part that the femmy fags just don't get.

It's what makes the United States a sexually pathetic nation.

These Turks are REAL males. Why? Because they Fight. Because they Bond. Because they are unafraid of being considered un-masculine for fear of touching each other.

That's correct.

And we'll soon be looking at some pix which drive home that point.

So as we've seen in many posts now, starting with Warriorhood and Male Intimacy, Men who live prior to or outside of heterosexualized culture, or who have been freed from the constraints of that culture, have NO fear of touching each other.

To the contrary: they seek out the affectionate touch of, and physical intimacy with, other Men, and are at their MOST relaxed when touching and being touched by their fellow MEN.

They are very much like the guys I watched at the new fight school near my house last night.

The young men (experiencing a Century's Lost Ritual) spent a couple of hours grappling, practicing takedowns, submissions, kick-boxing technique, sparring, General ManFight, Sweat, shirtless body contact, aggression, and finally manhugs at the end of the session. BEAUTIFUL MALE-NESS. In 2 hours, "straightness" or "gay-ness" NEVER COMES UP. These males at the fight school (like their Turkish cousins) were practicing the ritual of ManFight. In other words, THEY WERE PRACTICING (outside the destructive confines of the feminist-controlled school system) MASCULINITY AS IT WAS INTENDED BY THEIR CREATOR.


That's exactly correct.

Even in a society as thoroughly heterosexualized as our own, the Fight School, by creating an all-male, homosocial space, and by allowing Men to freely express their Natural ManAgression in the ritual of ManFight, frees Men to return to their natural and pre-heterosexualized state, in which both aggressive skin-on-skin body contact -- ManFight -- and affectionate skin-on-skin body contact -- ManHug -- are NORMAL.







Traditional/Hetero-sexualized fags like the guy who wrote that article, will never understand that. Because most fags will never have experienced the Fight. It's an unfortunate truth.


The "fags will never have experienced the Fight" -- because their culture has told them NOT to.

Under heterosexualization, gay males have been robbed, as more and more Men are being robbed, of what NW refers to as a "Right of Passage":

The Right to Fight.

Which for Males, is a crucial both rite and right of passage.

Instead, ghettoized gay males are told that all aggression is wrong, while being taught to sublimate their aggression into buttfuck -- one of the most violent, brutal, degrading, dangerous, and deadly acts -- known to mankind.

What little experience of aggression these males have is as spectators, and spectators whose heterosexualized culture has denied them any understanding of what they're actually seeing:

In fact the Turks practicing their ancient sport of Kirpinar (as it's called) have been quite agitated at the number of American Flaming Faggots going to Turkey to sit in the stands to witness their VERY masculine male ritual of ManAggression, only to use the occasion to take lots of pics. Traditionally the guys in the stands were usually men who had fought in the sport in their younger days and had "earned" the right to sit in the stands and be spectators.

These Turks are to be honored and adored for practicing Real Masculinity--as opposed to American style Faggotry.

Naked Wrestler

Bill Weintraub:

NW is right about all of this.

To see just how right, let's look at some pix.

Here are guys lined up, waiting to fight.

You can see that several are adjusting their pants in a very relaxed way, secure in the masculine comfort of their all-male group.

Next up is a fight in progress -- typical ManFight.

Here we have two Men who are very relaxed with each other, displaying, comparing and admiring physiques -- a common Male activity:

And now we get into some really interesting images.

Here are two men forming a body pile:

Where have we seen that before?

Well, in lots of places.

For example, among these American servicemen in WW II:

And among these US army cadets in 1870:

Notice the similarity:

Between this:

And this:

Question: is the body posture adopted by these two different male groups "cultural" -- or innate?

Well, we can be pretty certain that the Turkish wrestlers in the contemporary photos haven't seen pictures of American servicemen in WW II -- at least not in body piles.

Translation: these male body-piles are NOT a learned behavior.

They are a NATURAL and INNATE male behavior.

When Men feel relaxed and intimate with each other, this is one of the things they do.


And cross-temporally.

Across space and time, Men, particularly Men-at-War and Men-in-FightSport, form body-piles.

Here are two more pix:

Turkish wrestlers:

American servicemen 60 years earlier:

Look at the eye contact.

In both cases, what we see is a very relaxed intimacy and, without question, AFFECTION, between TWO MEN.



Does the fact that these Men are involved in aggressive enterprises facilitate -- and perhaps even militate -- their INTIMATE and AFFECTIONATE touch?

In my opinion, absolutely and without question, YES.

Male-Male Aggression and Male-Male Attraction are the two poles around which the Naturally Masculine Man's life revolves.

And under the exigencies of combat, Men-at-War, as well as Men-in-FightSport, revert, as much as is culturally possible, to their NATURAL MASCULINITY.

It's very important to understand that.

It's very important to understand that free of cultural pressure, and very often DESPITE cultural pressure, Men revert to their natural patterns of male-male aggression and male-male attraction.

Yesterday, in my reply to Warrior Justin's The Discovery of Frot, I talked about Edgar Allan Poe's equation of symmetry with truth.


Man cannot long or widely err, if he suffer himself to be guided by his poetical, which I have maintained to be his truthful, in being his symmetrical, instinct.

Both Fighting and Frot speak to Man's poetical, truthful, and symmetrical, instinct.

This is symmetrical:

As is this:

Both are poetical and TRUTHFUL as well.

Both express the Truth about Men's aggressive and affectionate nature.

That truth is innate -- it's within our bodies -- and our brains:

"The absolute symmetry of the Universe, says Poe, inheres in the very structures of our minds."

Fighting -- and in particular the Fighting devised by Men in FightSport -- is symmetrical.

It's meant to be.

The Men are matched by age, height, weight, and skill, to produce a contest -- an agon -- which is as symmetrical as possible.

"The absolute symmetry of the Universe, says Poe, inheres in the very structures of our minds."

That's why we seek that sort of contest -- a symmetrical contest between two men who strive strenuously one to overcome the other.

Similarly, Frot is symmetrical.

Matching Cock against Cock and Balls against Balls.

Do not think, do not think for even one moment, that rules which apply to the Universe do not apply to you, and to you as a MAN.

They do.

As a Man you seek the same symmetry in sex which, says Poe, makes "the Universe the most sublime of poems."

It's all connected and interconnected:

The absolute symmetry which inheres in the very structures of our minds is connected to the absolute symmetry of the Universe and to the absolute symmetry of ManFight -- and ManSex:


MAN against MAN.

COCK against COCK.


Men understand this instinctively.

Justin and his buddy; Lawrence and his cousin Gary; Robert and Ted; Luke and Stephen -- they all understood it without ever being taught or being told.

That's the power of symmetry, and that's the power of Natural Masculinity;

which in its embrace of the two aspects of Man2Man -- aggressive and attractive -- is both poetical -- and True.

Like NW says,



Thank you Naked Wrestler.

A truly luminous post -- from a true Warrior.

Bill Weintraub

October 20, 2007

© All material Copyright 2007 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.

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