
a time to receive or give?


Warrior Brian

Christmas -- a time to receive or give?


Christmas is here and I have been giving the meaning and origins of it some thought as I do every year.

It seems to me that sadly for most people Christmas is looked forward to because they can not wait to see what they are going to get.

But listen to the words of the carol "In the Bleak Midwinter" and the third verse which says

What can I give Him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb;
If I were a wise man
I would do my part;
Yet what can I give Him?
Give my heart.

So to The Warrior God (Jesus) I can give my heart, or my total love, and how do I show this?

Well, let me tell you about something that happened to my Dad. This was when he was in the Royal Marines. It was about 1951 and there was trouble in Malaya, and he was in the jungle when another Marine was wounded.

All those there took turns to carry the man so as to get him safely back to base. Finally it was my Dad's turn and he got him through the last part of the journey to base, only to find, sadly, that this man had died.

Nevertheless, it goes to show that those who are in a life-and-death situation together can, and do give support to one another -- what we in the Alliance call Warrior Altruism.

Of course Altruism is an all year round thing not just done on 25th December, so we need to remember all the year long that there are Men who need our support -- after all those Royal Marines when asked to carry their colleague did not say "But it's not Christmas" ; because each Man among them knew that if it had been him who was wounded, the other Men would have helped in carrying him, sharing the burden, giving support, that is what Christmas -- and all our Manly Lives -- should be about.

With Warrior Love


Greater Love
Hath No Man Than This

Also by Warrior Man Brian Hulme:

One Christian's Journey

values and morals and honour

The credit crunch will NOT crunch my Manhood my Masculinity or my Warriorhood


Adam and Jesus the first M2M

Warrior Love True Love

Fight Back

God's stubborn warrior

Warrior Equations

Amor Masculus Masculine Love

Tales of Nova Sparta

Time to be a WARRIOR +2

About Tithing

The Gift: A Christmas Story

Amazing Grace

14th February -- or -- EROS DAY?

The Warrior Altruism of the Warrior God

Worshipping the Warrior God

I really was re-born

The Life and Times of Willy the Dick

A Warrior's Prayer

Praying to the Warrior God

The Permanence of Warrior Culture

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who reject anal penetration, promiscuity, and effeminacy
among men who have sex with men


This aspect of our work is the one that's most disturbing and indeed frightening to our opponents:

That we combine the Love of Man with the Love of Fighting Spirit.

Which is Warrior Spirit.

The Warrior God is the Guardian of that Spirit.

You may call him Jesus Christ as Robert Loring does.

You may call him Ares as did the Greeks.

What's important is that you understand and acknowledge

the vital role He plays in Your Life.

who reject anal penetration, promiscuity, and effeminacy
among men who have sex with men


This aspect of our work is the one that's most disturbing and indeed frightening to our opponents:

That we combine the Love of Man with the Love of Fighting Spirit.

Which is Warrior Spirit.

The Warrior God is the Guardian of that Spirit.

You may call him Jesus Christ as Robert Loring does.

You may call him Ares as did the Greeks.

What's important is that you understand and acknowledge

the vital role He plays in Your Life.


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This aspect of our work is the one that's most disturbing and indeed frightening to our opponents:

That we combine the Love of Man with the Love of Fighting Spirit.

Which is Warrior Spirit.

The Warrior God is the Guardian of that Spirit.

You may call him Jesus Christ as Robert Loring does.

You may call him Ares as did the Greeks.

What's important is that you understand and acknowledge

the vital role He plays in Your Life.

The masculinity of men flows from their group. Their natural masculinity combines and gets manifold when masculine men unite. The camaraderie, mutual understanding, support, learning the ways of the world as a male, fighting together, dealing with roughs and toughs of life together -- they all help to develop the natural masculinity that exists within them.

They had many words for struggle and combat and fighting and strife -- maches, eris, hamilla, agon, polemos, ares -- and athlos, the word from which we derive our word "athlete."

In Greece, athletai could be rivals on the playing field or the battlefield.

Warrior Kosmos:

Manly Aggression, Manly Virtue:

Which would you rather be?

Some dork in a rubber mask?

Or a Warrior?

You're gonna die anyway.

And your money will die with you.